Friday, September 26, 2008

Dinner out - just the girls!

Friday night was "dinner out with the girls"! The Princess and I met Herbie and Spinnie at the Olive Garden - yum! We enjoyed our never ending pasta bowls. The Princess serenaded us and everyone around us with lovely songs. It was fun!
Happy Girls!
The Princess emptying Herbie's wallet :)
The Princess finding pictures on Spinnie's phone.
When I got home, I put the princess to bed and started to not feel well. The cold that I've been trying to fight off was coming on strong. So, I went to bed too. During this time, the Superstar and Princess' daddy started working on the broken ceiling.

What a mess!!

Patched up holes...ahh!

During the clean up, Daddy found that a beam was still quite wet and needed more airing out. That's why the square hole is there in the picture. At least the air handler is no longer leaking and our air is working. Whew!

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